Material Referenced on 3/27/24 Zoom Call
Spring Break is a GREAT TIME for Officials to "dig-in" a little deeper.
3 Critical Areas in becoming a better lacrosse official.
(1) Know The Rules (Rule Book)
(2) Know Where To Be - When (Mechanics)
(3) Good Communications with Crew, Coaches, Players and Table.
Questions / Discussion Points Asked by OLOA Officials
- I`d like to get clarification on how to assess whether an offensive player leading with elbow, shoulder, face, or top of helmet is either balling hard, warding, spearing, or illegal body checking.
- When is a player playing without his cross? Broken stick but doesn`t leave the field and may not realize it is broken? Reaches straight down but is still in contact with opposing player? Stands straight up to avoid being in play but still is?
- Overtime Procedures (Are you the “R”) the OT story.
- In and out of crease, ball can go in/out but player with possession cannot.
Other Optional Items to Cover
Brian Platz
Salem, Oregon
503-510-6140 (cell)